The Gifts of Imperfection™ for Healing Professionals

Weekend Beach Retreat

Comparison, entrenched in societal norms of conformity and the pursuit of competition, frequently diverts our attention from the profound joys of creativity, gratitude, joy, and authenticity. When our energies are consumed by conforming and competing, the space for these vital aspects of life often diminishes, leaving us feeling disconnected from our true essence. Brené Brown aptly illuminates how creativity, as the manifestation of our originality, serves as a beacon, constantly reminding us of our unique contributions that defy comparison.

Throughout this immersive workshop, we will delve into the entanglements of comparison, understanding how it hampers our ability to savor life’s fullness. Together, we’ll embark on a transformative journey, nurturing and investing in our individual creativity. We’ll explore the vast spectrum of creativity, discovering methods to cultivate it further, harness its potential to enhance our daily existence, and navigate through the obstacles that hinder our creative flow. Through these explorations, we’ll unearth the invaluable tools to break free from the confines of comparison, embracing our creativity as a pathway to living authentically and fully.

Embark on a transformative journey grounded in the revolutionary concepts of Dr. Brené Brown’s renowned work, ‘The Gifts of Imperfection™.’ This immersive workshop is your gateway to shedding the societal expectations that stifle your authenticity, encouraging you to embrace your true self and confront barriers preventing feelings of love, belonging, and self-worth.

Tailored specifically for mental health professionals, our program draws from Dr. Brown’s insights, weaving themes of courage, vulnerability, and resilience from ‘The Gifts of Imperfection™’ into a playful yet purposeful exploration. Through expressive art modalities, cognitive theory, and somatic awareness, we’ll enrich your connection with self, amplifying your clarity regarding your strengths and how they benefit your clients.

Expect to depart invigorated, connected, and inspired.

This transformative weekend promises deeper self-awareness, enhanced relationships, and a journey towards authentic living by transcending the limitations of perfectionism and embracing self-compassion. Together, we’ll unveil the intricate connection between vulnerability and courage, equipping you with resilience amid life’s challenges while embracing the liberating truth of your inherent worthiness.

Through introspection and deliberate exploration, we’ll dissect the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that impede progress. Armed with newfound insights, you’ll craft empowering practices that propel you toward a life marked by authenticity and wholeheartedness.

Join us for a 4-day weekend intensive
as we do a deep dive into real self-care.


Join Certified DARING WAY™ Facilitators

  • Lisa Wolcott, LCSW, CGP, CDWF
  • Cheryl Childers, MSW, LISW-CP, CDWF


Hilton Head, South Carolina


May 2 -5, 2024

  • Thursday, May 2: 5:30PM – 9PM
  • Friday, May 3: 9AM – 6PM
  • Saturday, May 4: 9AM – 6PM
  • Sunday, May 5: 8AM – 10AM


Cost varies by bed size/room occupancy, space is limited

What’s Included?

  • Accommodations
  • Continental Breakfast
  • Daily Lunch
  • Art Supplies
    No art experience required

Cancellation Policy

There will be a $250 cancellation fee per person up to 48 hours prior to the start of the first session.